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bAbB bCbD bEbF bGbH bIbJ bKbL bMbN bObP bQbR bSbT bUbV bWbX bYbZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
SURYA tmt +buildings 35
buildings 19, 37
SWAPN DEVELOPERS +buildings 36, 37
SWARNEEM +buildings 36, 37
SWATHI PROMOTERS +buildings 36, 37
SWIFT DEVELOPERS +buildings 37
TATA TISCON +buildings 6
TEOLER +buildings & circle 41
TERRACO +buildings & sun 2, 19
THE COUNTRY CLUB +buildings 30
buildings 36
THE INVASION +buildings 9
buildings 36
buildings 35
THIYA +buildings & leaves 37
TIMES CITY +buildings & sun 9
TINY +buildings 36, 37
TISCON ispat +buildings 35
buildings 36
TODDLER'S TOOWN +buildings 41
TOURS ROYALE +buildings 39
buildings 19
TRILOK cement +buildings 19
TRIPANA brand +buildings 29
TRISHUL REALTY +buildings 35, 37
TRUSTWELL +buildings & oval 36
UCS UNIQUE +buildings 9
ULTRA SEM cement +buildings 19
UMIYA GROUP +buildings oval 37
UPTOWN +buildings 37, 42
URBAN CORNER +buildings 43
URBAN LEGEND +buildings 25
USA +buildings 16
USP ultra shree +buildings 19
buildings 19
V.K V-JAY cement +buildings 19
V2 HOLDINGS +buildings 37
buildings 36
VARDHMAN FANTASY +buildings 28, 35, 38, 41
VASTUVAIBHAV +buildings 19
VAZHIYORAM +buildings 42
VED +buildings 37
VELACITY +buildings 42
VH VIBRANT HOMES +buildings 35
VICKY PROPERTIES +buildings 36
VICTORY +tick & buildings 37
VILLAGE CROSS +buildings 3, 16, 21, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33
VISHAL +buildings 37
VISTAAS MUSIC +buildings 41
buildings 37
VOONSHOO +buildings 35
VRAJ DEVELOPERS +buildings 37
VT GOLD atta +buildings 30
VV RAMRAJ +buildings 35
VYOMTEK +buildings 11
VYOMTEX +buildings 9
WALGREENS REALTY +buildings 36
WALL CELL +buildings & arcs 2
WALL FILLER +buildings 19
WALL STREET ITC +buildings 34
WALL TEX MATT +buildings 2
WARSI GROUP +buildings 37
WATER BOUND +buildings 1, 2
WELLFARE buildings +hut bir 36
WESTERN TOWERS +buildings 37
WHITE HOPE india +buildings 36
WPC-99 +buildings & boy 19
YEN japan +buildings 16
YOGI cement +buildings & ar 19
ZAKI brand +buildings 24
ZAMA +buildings & arc 37
ZILLO +buildings 37, 42
a +buildings birds & circle 37
bharath DARSHAN +buildings 3
bombay LOUNGE +buildings 9
bowl hills & buildings 30
circle & buildings 36
cp CITY PRIDE +buildings 25
denver NUGGETS +buildings 28
denver NUGGETTS +buildings 25
ge GOYAL estates +buildings 36, 37
hazrat +man & buildings 24
homeland +buildings 37
buildings 2
kc KEMPS CITY +buildings 19
malt whisky +buildings oval 33
man & buildings 19
man woman & buildings 30
mountains hills & buildings 30
buildings 37
buildings 30
pearl GRAPHIK +buildings 16
pot & buildings 37
property AFFAIRE +buildings 36
realty DADDY +buildings 36
s SALARPURIA +sun buildings 37
sharda motherson +buildings 16
singapore +buildings 31
buildings 16
star ESTATES +buildings 37
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